The shelf needs to be mastered skilfully |
Knowledge – skills – ability. It is the formula, which applied at a professional training to industries during Soviet time. It and has not lost today the urgency. The industries of our region are necessary the new staff possessing knowledge and ability qualitatively to do the business. And the system of their preparation for the present functions insufficiently reliably and requires correction. Therefore in the end of December 2008 in Murmansk coordination council session on personnel maintenance of Murmansk area has taken place. Sergey Leus, the minister of the industry, transport and power of Murmansk area presented the report «About a condition and tendencies of personnel maintenance of the enterprises and the organisations of an oil and gas complex of Murmansk area» at session — «Use of human resources in the field of development of resources of the Arctic shelf and coastal territories is necessary, — the minister has declared.— A professional training and preparation for arrival of the oil companies, development of resources of a shelf is obligatory». Speaking about existing system of a professional training for the oil and gas industry Sergey Leus has noticed, that first of all it is necessary to mention Murmansk state technical university. It prepares staff on three specialities: oil and gas business, physical processes of mountain oil and gas manufacture and also automation of technological processes and manufacture. «But it is only small part of those specialities which be required for development of an oil and gas complex of Murmansk area and shelf development. It is necessary to start to be engaged in the given question already today». «In vocational training sphere the basic place is occupied with school of vocational training state enterprise “Arctikmornftegazrazvedka” — Sergey Leus has informed. It is one of the oldest schools. It could keep the potential during even the most complicated times of economic recessions. But it has their own difficulties — first of all it as I understand, a lack of orders, demands for experts». Besides, according to Sergey Leus there is variety of the educational institutions in Murmansk area, which graduates also can participate in realisation of projects of oil and gas complex. It is professional lyceum № 5, professional schools № 11, № 15, № 18 where adjacent experts who can work in oil and gas complex prepare. Such staff is claimed practically on each manufacture. The oil and gas complex of Murmansk area can be divided into two basic directions: our sea prospecting enterprises (a complex generated more 30 years ago) and transfer of oil and mineral oil in port Murmansk.Speaking about prospects of development of an oil and gas complex, Sergey Leus has informed, that they first of all are connected just with development of resources of the Arctic shelf. «And first of all — the Shtokman deposit. Annual planned volume of the gas extracted there, we will compare with total volume of the gas extracted by Norway — one of the largest suppliers of gas to Europe. Within the limits of the project of course we interest in areas where experts of Murmansk area can be involved. In particular, that would be a graduate of our educational institutions». Dolgunov Konstantin, director general of state enterprise “Sevmorneftegeofizika”: — As we know, works on a shelf are conducted, at least, from the beginning of 80th years. And rates, frankly speaking, not so high … though there are already developed enterprises spending an explorative stage. And here the enterprises that are engaged in arrangement of deposits are basically in embryo. Konstantin Dolgunov has informed, that “Sevmorneftegeofizika” now spends the following work: preparation of young experts in a principal view of activity of the enterprise («However, return more low, than it would be desirable: many simply do not come back» — Konstantin Dolgunov has complained.) Grigory Straty, director general of non-commercial organization «Murmanshelf»: — Association «Murmanshelf» totals for today 170 members, including scientific, educational institutions and the organisations, among them Institute of economic problems, the College of mines of the Kola Centre of science, MGTU, professional lyceum №6, Hibinsky college. Many experts pay attention to the question on insufficiency of a professional training for realization of oil and gas projects on a shelf of Arctic regions was repeatedly brought at the seminars spent by our association. And under the offer of members of association we had been spent work on creation of the concept of development of oil and gas formation in Murmansk area. Discussion of the concept with experts of the oil and gas companies Gazprom, StatoilHydro, Total and joint venture «Shtokman Development» which on the one hand have supported the concept has taken place and with another — have noted necessity of its acceptance at regional level. It is very much a vital topic of today's session in this connection. As Sergey Leus has already noted, development of a shelf will demand the decision of variety of problems. The one of the major problem is certainly absence of necessary number of experts of corresponding level for effective and safe development of resources of the Arctic shelf. And it also is absence of sufficient number of specialized chairs of higher educational institutions of the country. Today total release of experts of all higher educational institutions of Russia makes an order of 70-80 experts of various qualifications in a year (it is a question of development of sea oil and gas deposits). The analysis of requirements says that the number obviously insufficiently and should be put on more serious basis. Besides shortage of experts there is also a shortage of methods of their preparation. Also it is impossible to forget about presence of competitors, first of all Arkhangelsk. In summary Grigory Straty has declared that supports the offers which have been put forward by the minister and from its part has suggested to bring in the project of the decision of today's session of Council the following point: to approve the concept of development of oil and gas formation in the Murmansk area, offered by association «Murmanshelf». Nataliya Ermakova
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